User Interface

Creating a notebook


To create a new notebook and make it accessible from the Skyminer Query page:

  1. Make sure you are in the Processors folder

  2. Click New

  3. Select Python 3

You can then rename and implement your notebook.

Alternatively, you can select an existing notebook and duplicate it to avoid writing one from scratch.

Creating a query

The Jupyter UI integration extension makes it possible to create and edit Skyminer queries directly in the Jupyter UI and then access the resulting data.

  1. Click on the button Show Skyminer

  1. A Skyminer Query interface will appear

  1. Create your query in the Skyminer Query interface

  1. If your Query is valid the OK button will turn blue. Click on it

The extension will inject code inside the notebook


Editing a query

To edit a query with the extension in a Jupyter notebook:

  1. Click on the code of the cell containing the request. The cell will be highlighted in green. The code of the cell must contain the skyminer_query variable for this to work

  1. Click on the button Show Skyminer. A Skyminer Query interface will appear with your request inside

  1. Edit your query

  2. Click on the OK button