Home page

When you install Grafana with Skyminer, the data source is already set by default. A default dashboard name ‘Home’ is created which allows you to quickly navigate between your saved dashboards.


1 - This section provides you a link to dashboards marked as favorite, recently viewed, and example dashboards.

2 - Settings and Cycle view mode

3 - Grafana Menu.

4 - Dashboards panel.

Grafana Menu

This item is displayed on all pages of Grafana. You can hide or show it by clicking on the Grafana logo.

Note: Skyminer does not support alerting, so the alert menu is unusable.

Create menu item

From this menu item you can create a new dashboard or folder or import an existing dashboard.


Dashboards menu item

From this menu item you can navigate to the Home dashboard and manage your dashboards, playlists and snapshots.


Sign In / Sign Out




Dashboards panel

This panel allows you to navigate through dashboards. You can filter them by name or by tags with the search field.

Dashboards are organised by folders.

When you click on a dashboard name you are redirected on the Dashboard page.


Dashboard page

A dashboard, on Grafana, is made up of different rows and panels that will format the data.

Each panel can be edited, deleted and re-arranged by clicking and dragging.


Graphs can be interactively filtered by selecting/unselecting the individual series.
