
Skyminer system is a Big Data storage and analytics engine integrated with our corporate products, systems and solutions. It is capable of storing billions of samples with different data types, while maintaining efficient storage and outstanding write and read performances. Skyminer provides features to analyze data over time, organisational, or geospatial dimensions within and/or between data series.

Key factors

Scalability: Skyminer can be scaled out with no limit, either on-premises or in a public or private cloud platform. Start with a small system and increase its capacity as needed, thus delaying costs and making it possible to get cheaper and better resources later when an upscaling is actually needed.

Flexibility: The Skyminer solution is highly modular, and can evolve dramatically without affecting existing operations. Features and capabilities can be provided as plugins, and you can define the data management policies that you need. Skyminer natively operates with other Kratos software, but is also able to support integrations with third-party or bespoke systems.

Performances: Skyminer is able to deal with a large amount of data, while providing outstanding read and write performances.

User-Friendly: The features available in Skyminer are powerful but intuitive, self-explanatory, and easy to use. There is no need for any programming skills: all users can benefit from the simplicity of the approach and the powerful features. Data scientists and analysts benefit from the unique integrations with Python, Jupyter or R that provide fast analysis feedback loops.

Openness: Skyminer provides web services APIs and can be seamlessly integrated with third party systems and solutions. It relies on first class, field-proven, open-source technologies with friendly licenses so you can keep your data safe without being tied to a particular vendor or provider. Skyminer added value resides in its query engine, its integration capabilities, and the unique third-party integrations delivered out of the box.

Start page

The start page of Skyminer is composed of a header and five tiles linking to different features:

  • Time Series Query: Generate, execute, and display the result of Skyminer queries

  • Time Series Dashboards: Create and monitor real-time dashboards in Grafana

  • Analytics: Execute documents in Python to run advanced analytics and generate reports

  • Documents Dashboard: Search backend, log analytics, real-time application monitoring

  • Time Series Correlations: Generate, execute, and display the result of correlation queries


Skyminer needs a license file to enable all its functionalities. The validity of the license can be checked in the About section of the Query page:



An invalid, missing or expired license induces a limitation of the system. If you have any problem, please contact your system administrator.