Notices regarding this document

The information contained in this document is considered reliable and subject to change without notice. Illustrations and screenshots may not represent the latest software version but are included to best explain related text. The information in this document does not represent any commitment or warranty on the part of Kratos®.

No part of this document or any part of the software described herein may be reproduced by any means without the express written consent of Kratos. For the purposes of these disclaimers, “Kratos” refers to Kratos Communications, Inc. and its wholly owned subsidiaries.

Software License Agreement: Software is defined as the computer programs with which the Software License Agreement is included and any maintenance or update releases thereto.

This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions for licensing of the software, and installing the software indicates that the Agreement has been read and understood, and users accept its terms and conditions.

Monics®, Epoch®, Compass® and satID® are registered trademarks of Kratos Communications, Inc.

All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Copyright © Kratos Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.